References are the entries made at the end of the paper to give credit to the author/sources from which you got those references. However, there are different referencing styles used for different kinds of projects. In this, you will see how to properly reference a book using IEEE and APA style and the difference between the two.
APA (American Psychological Association)
- Cover Page is Mandatory.
- You have to have a title page with the Running Head (The words ‘Running Head’ should be there), to write the title against it. But this shouldn’t appear on other pages.
- The essay’s title, your name, and the university name should appear centered, double-spaced, and on the top half of the page.
- You use the font style, ‘Times New Roman’ with 12 as Font size.
- The author’s note contains contact information and acknowledgments and should be placed at the bottom half of the essay.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- The cover page is not mandatory
- The title page does not have strict guidelines as long as it includes specific elements.
- It should include a title, capitalised.
- The Project team members should be listed.
- The issue date is necessary.
- The person or company to which the project is submitted, the supervisors, and revisions depending on the project.
- No header in IEEE. Include page numbers in a simple format, dependent on the kind of project and document.
APA references
Basic Content
Any type of reference in both APA and IEEE would include the following elements:
- Authors’ names: One writer, Group, or Organisation
- Date: of Publication, posting, or re-publication
- Title
- Smaller works in quotes and not capitalised
- Larger works italicised and capitalised
- “Location”: in a book, in a periodical, on a website
APA General Rules
- Double spaced, hanging indentation.
- Font Style should be Times New Roman and Font size should be 12
- Alphabetical Order by the first element
- Hanging indentation
- Smaller works are not formatted in any special way
- Larger works are italicised
- The title of the major work is not capitalised (first word of the title and subtitle only)
IEEE General Rules
- Place references flush left
- Single-space entries, double-space between.
- Place the number of entries at the left margin, and enclose them in brackets
- Organise the entries by when they appear in the text
- Smaller Works: in quotation marks and not capitalised (first word of title and subtitle only)
- Larger Works: italicised and capitalised
Specific references
APA Books
- One author:
Author1 Surname, initial of the first name. (year). Book name. Place: Publisher.
- Two to seven authors:
Author1 name., Author2 name., Author3 name. (year). Book name. Place: Publisher.
- More than seven authors:
Author1 name., Author2 name., Author3 name., Author4 name.,…Author10 name. (year). Book name. Place: Publisher.
- No Author given:
Book name. (year). Place: Publisher.
- No Publication date:
Author1 name. (n.d.). Book name. Place: Publisher.
- An organisation or institution as “author”:
University name. (year). Book name. Place: Publisher.
IEEE Books
- Single Author
- Author’s name, Book name. Place: Publisher, year.
- Edited Book
- Author1 Name and Author2 Name, Eds., Book name. Place: Publisher, year.
- Three or More Authors
- Author1 Name, Author2 Name and Author3 Name, Book name. Place: Publisher, year.
- Book by an Institutional or Organisational Author
- University or Organisation name, Book name, 3rd ed., Place: Publisher, year.
- Manual
- Book name, Place, Publisher, Year.
Copyright Page:
This should be exactly behind the Cover page
For Example,
Copyright © 1960 by Harper Lee
All rights reserved.
Published by arrangement with J.B. Lippincott Company, Subsidiary of Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., East Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105.
Warner Books, Inc.
1271 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY. 10020
Visit our Web site at
[logo] A Time Warner Company
Printed in the United States of America
First Warner Books Printing: December, 1982
The title of the book should be in italics.
Author’s Last Name, Initial of the First Name. (Year of Publication). Book Name. Place of Publication, State of publication: Publisher
- Author’s First Name, Last Name. Book Name. Place of Publication, State of publication: Publisher, Year, pp, page number
Article in a Periodical/Journal
Strom, S. (2005, August). Aero Air: Catering to the jet set. Portland Business Journal, 3, 22-36.
- S. Strom, “Aero Air: Catering to the Jet Set,” Portland Business Journal, vol. 3, pp. 22-36, Aug 26, 2005.
For Electronic Sources
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. n.d. The Great Wall. Retrieved from
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. (2005). The Great Wall. (Online). Available:
APA style and IEEE style share both similarities and differences. The difference mainly lies in the Paper format, reference list, and citation. Thus, the APA format is used mostly in Social Sciences, whereas the IEEE format is used mainly in the technical field.
It’s important to know and follow the right format in your papers, and Digi Assignment guides you to get a suitable referencing style for your Projects.