Writing a case study is not as easy as writing any other assignment. A lot of time and effort goes into writing a well-researched case study, and often, as students, you might be unsure as to how to get started and finally ace your case study. Especially in UK universities, the stakes are high, and you can’t afford to submit a subpar case study. So, if you have been searching for tips and guides on how to ace writing a case study, you’ve come to the right place! Below we have listed down some of a few essential tips on how to ace a case study that’s compelling and worth reading.
Types of Case Studies
Knowing the type of case study you have to write can help you narrow down the style and tonality you need to follow. The type of case study also helps determine the type of research required. Here are the most common types of case studies that are assigned to students of UK universities.
- Descriptive: A descriptive case study requires students to go into the descriptive details of the case study’s subject and ensure that their research is as complete as possible.
- Critical: Critical case studies require students to research and present a critical case study of the subject matter. It could be original, with your arguments backed by research. It could also be done by quoting common criticisms that the subject matter already has that are academically published. You can also detail the cause and effect of the subject matter in your case study.
- Cumulative: This type of case study involves comparing two questions or subject matters and providing a detailed comparison and cumulative analysis of both matters compared to each other.
- Exploratory: Exploratory case studies can be a student’s favourite as they require minimal prior research. They require you to write down your initial thoughts and research, which will be expanded on later.
- Illustrative: Illustrative case studies can be any case study that you are writing about any real event. These case studies require good writing skills to be elaborate and engaging.
Easy Tips to Ace Your Case Study
Research skills are absolutely crucial if you want to develop good assignments. Being able to write convincing case studies requires an ability to research thoroughly and to be able to sift through tons of material. One tip you can do to make your research faster is to have a mindset before you start researching. At least decide the type of data you want to look for, that’ll help you make your search faster.
Case studies involve your ability to understand and present an argument in a straight line. Even though understanding is a very basic skill, it is actually very important for you to be open-minded and look at the topic of your case study from as many perspectives as possible. Providing a complete picture of the subject matter in your case study is a crucial way you can complete your assignment and make it perfect as per the academic requirements.
Identify the problem statement and the question. A lot of the time, students will develop case studies that don’t have a definitive problem statement. Without a problem statement that’s been identified at the beginning of your case study, the whole thing feels pointless. There has to be a question in the beginning, which you answer in the end; that’s the reason why your case study will be worth reading. So, make sure you identify the right problem statement and address it to the best of your abilities with research and sound arguments.
Planning an assignment and a case study is crucial. Without planning, one section may be unnecessarily longer, while the conclusion parts of your case study may lack the punch they deserve. So, make sure you plan ahead. To create good case studies, always create a structure. This structure will help you ensure your research is streamlined and your case study is as good as it can be.
Provide a Solution
As mentioned previously, a case study always needs to identify its problem statement and provide a solution in the end. A case study without a solution is quite anticlimactic. Now, the word solution is used liberally here. The point we’re trying to make here is your case study needs to have an observation or a conclusion point from your point of view. It needs to connect the beginning of your case study to the end, making the whole thing seem tied together with no loose ends.
This is a very basic mistake students often make. To make sure that your case study is impactful and that you have thoroughly explored all the required points, it is crucial that you proofread your assignment after completion. Also, make sure you proofread at least a few hours after completing the writing part. This will help you look at your case study objectively and determine whether it is effective in its arguments or not.
Armed with these tips, you now have the required expertise to draft compelling case studies. If you feel unable to follow the tips at any point, you can always opt to use our case study writing services at Digi Assignment Help. Our expert assignment writers can help you develop compelling case studies that are well researched and argued. Check out our website to book our services today.